About Us

About Us

State Of Mind Test Prep was founded in 2012 with the goal of offering the highest level of standardized test preparation to the most students, without losing the benefits and experience of a personal touch. Through his own extensive education, founder Brandon Cohen has come to understand the necessary practices for optimizing performance on standardized tests, proven through his earning a perfect 180 on his LSAT, a perfect 800 on his Math SAT, in addition to other perfect and near-perfect scores on various standardized exams.


Realizing that knowledge of the required content is only half the battle, Brandon has developed techniques to mentally prepare students for the highly demanding task of conquering standardized exams. While State Of Mind Test Prep is new to South Florida, Brandon has more than 11 years of experience in the industry. The curriculum used in State Of Mind courses are the culmination of Brandon’s knowledge and experience, as well as countless hours of “back-testing” and the continuous updating process based on the newest exams.

Our Tutors


After virtually living and breathing the LSAT for over 16 years, Brandon has honed his teaching skills and has firmly established himself as one of the nation’s leading LSAT tutors. Brandon has tutored over 1,000 students and has taught over 15,000 hours of LSAT instruction. He has spoken as an expert lecturer on the LSAT at universities such as University of Miami, Columbia University, and more. Brandon’s passion for the LSAT is only rivaled by his commitment to helping each student maximize their own potential. Brandon is available for instruction in one-on-one and semi-private lessons.

Interested in working with us? Check out our various Prep Options now!


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